Wednesday, October 05, 2011

teacher's day 2011

since it's the official world teacher's day, allow me to take time to thank the teachers who made me get into the profession. there is actually just one from the old high school (see my FB for that photo) and quite a handful from college, most of them my professors in literature.

i just quit teaching this year. though the love is still there, i got exhausted. teaching has to be one of the most demanding and underpaid professions. never mind the pay but the emotional and the intellectual drain took its toll on me. not to mention that i had to drop a few friends and tons of events along the way. the heart gets tired, too. before the exhaustion reached my mind, i quit.

quit. period. quit. it's going to be a longer hiatus this time. my anti-social self is upfront so i am quite happy working at home and tending my garden of eight and a half pots.

since my life is full of ironies, i just did one ironic thing last month. with optimism and high expectations, i pray for positive results. it will be another ID and that's what makes me excited.