Sunday, July 22, 2012

new love: the music of kate miller-heidke

i think i found my tori amos (and add a bit of regina spektor) for these times. kate miller-heidke is an australian musician with classical training. i looked up her various videos and they say a lot about her.  there's "i'll change your mind" with a very dark original video. it looks fun at first but then the end fits an episode of american horror story.

she does her cover of "toxic" live and that totally blows me away. she knows how to have fun and get the audience into her performance. she also has "the real slim shady." her range is great and that goes for the music and the lyrics. there's a twist or an irony in the lyrics.

however, what got me into listening to her was "the tiger inside will eat the child." click on the title and like the song. actually, i never bother to pay attention to links posted by some FB friends. the one who got away (i think i coded that person with the architect eons ago) posted the link in facebook. i thought the animation was cute so i decided to watch. the melody got into me - nothing fancy - just good old guitar and a few shakes.

the beginning of the song had several allusions to jacob's ladder, burning sand, tiger, siddhartha's temple. all those failed. the song speaks of finding oneself. it's all about finding the self amidst the chaos but it also says that once you find it, you know it's gone because the tiger inside will eat the child. the truth murders the innocence. so, where's the fun in having?

how do we kill it once we have it? when we keep it, we kill it. we kill people when we get them by imposing to them our wanting for them to live by our rules. our tiger can be anything. it can be anger or its opposite. what happens after? no matter how horrible the tiger may be, you can't kill it because it might be the only thing that can save you.

(the video says a lot, too.)

so, i will look and buy the album and let my new muse take over my writing.

the side story:  i dreamt of personally thanking the architect - that's how deep "the tiger inside will eat the child" got me. it slipped into my subconscious.

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