Sunday, July 15, 2012

stretched it out a bit

i can't recall if this incident is my first friday the 13th mishap. i don't even know if the cause happened on that day or on the 12th. all i know is that the pain became evident on the night of the 13th. i actually thought the pain was the prelude to a stroke - how strokes are caused by that one tiny block and i have read about tiny blockages in the leg can lead to a stroke. har.

then the swelling began. i couldn't put my left foot on the ground without pain. i've never been in pain at this level in my entire life and i wish this for no one. i've had a sprain when i was 12 but after rolling my foot on the bottle, i was able to walk and run in a few minutes. however, it's been almost three days. might have also aggravated it by walking quite extensively friday night on my desire to purchase a bucket of jollibee chicken. each store gave me a waiting time of 15 mins and i just couldn't wait for it.

yesterday morning, i realized it was not a stroke but rather, my achilles tendon got all stretched up a bit. a few days ago, my right foot stepped on an inclined surface. i did not trip or anything. there was no pain at all. i thought this misstep might have caused it, but i don't recall shifting my weight on my left. then, i remembered my left foot did bend on my ankle when i stepped on a lower part of the street. there was no pain and i did not at all panic because i've always experienced either of my feet folding inward for a millisecond.

the pain has immobilized me. it made going up and down the stairs difficult. it made walking difficult. it made rising up hard. i had to forego having a bath for the past two days as i did not want to get my left foot wet. i also have no decent food in the house and i'm on my pre-period stage when i have an uncontrollable appetite. i had an ice pack on it but the curve made it difficult to target the painful area. i could walk but it made me look like a penguin and i can't get out of the house as i would not want the people here to see me hobbling.

however, i need to get out tonight because i have no more food for the dogs, who won't settle for plain dog food for dinner. i thought i could move with the umbrella for a cane but it was harder. i'm thinking of taking a cab and going to the orthopedic store so i can buy a cane or something but i am hopeful the pain will go away by tomorrow. i am quite careful with my movement because i do not want to aggravate the weight and cause some ligaments to weaken. i cannot afford an operation.

i know my heels are dry. my left heel is bigger than the right. it's painful but the swelling is less painful now. it's softer compared to yesterday. i think my lack of exercise is making my muscles stiff so as soon as this pain heals, i'll really be enrolling to the gym. i lost almost 10 lbs in the past year without much effort so if i have more effort, i could lose more.