almost got hit by a rock three-fourths the size of my foot

literally. every night, i go out of my house to turn off the water meter (this is another story for later). earlier, i took a bit of time to tease my dogs before walking out. a meter from me landed what i thought was a piece of brick. from where i stood, i thought it was a gift thrown or it was trash. yet, i was in our compound and the house on my right had people who were nice and would not do such.
anyway, i called my cousin who was approaching and told him of the rock. he took it and unwrapped the two-layer plastic that covered it. he said it was a rock from our compound. i was just stunned by the size and the sharpness.
if i did not tease the dogs and stalled for sometime, that rock would have hit me and literally, i would not have known what hit me.
theories: someone from another compound threw it in the air and i'm thinking someone in the school behind me might have thrown it. if it were a plain rock, i would think an entity might have thrown it but it was wrapped in plastic bags. second, it could have been on the roof and slided down.
oh well, this is not the first time my sluggishness saved me. i could have been at the glorietta bombing had i come earlier and read my time away at the booksale. i would have been within the area of the dlsu bombing but i felt too lazy to go to starbucks. now, this one.
yeah, tell me guardian angels do not exist.