Wednesday, November 09, 2011

did i just see my first ghost?

i have been having trouble sleeping the past few nights. i'm trying to see if it has something to do with my after dinner coffee. however, that has had no effect sometime so i decided to continue with it last night. it was close to 1 am and i still could not sleep. i was too brain-drained to even work and i had to allow the equipment to rest. so, i decided to settle at around that time. the mutts did not take their usual places as they seemed to be so restless and would bark sporadically at the slight meowing or cat mating noises.

while the dogs would bark, i would think of dozing while playing jewel quest on my mobile just to sleep. when i finally thought i was falling asleep, the dogs started barking and i felt the quick dash out of the room. i must have opened my eyes for a split second when i thought i saw a shrouded image watching over me. what made me wonder is that my startled reaction is that i sat up quickly and fell down upon seeing that image. in seconds, i reached out for my rosary and started to pray. half-sleep, i think i made it through the 5th mystery but i realized my prayers were incomplete.

i did not feel any shivers when i saw the image. i think, if it were indeed an apparition, it also got startled because i sat up and said, "whoa!" in amazement. this is nothing new as i have had dreams and even felt a strange presence several times when i was still sleeping in the other room and there was still that huge tree near my window, then. the dreams stopped when i asked them to leave.