Friday, April 29, 2011

who's the diva

taken from friendster. circa 2006 - my take on minette's first recital

who’s the diva?
March 19th, 2006

this is not a work of fiction. the event you are about to read is an actual account. this really happened. real people. real places. real event. i will not hide behind caveats. though, no psychologist was involved, someone turned out right… or so we think.

some time ago,way back when sanrio was the in thing and all kittens were white and wearing red ribbons, four girls from an exclusive school situated in the heart of D. Tuazon, Maria Clara, Calamba and Banawe streets - oh yeah St. Theresa’s College, Q.C., stood on the platform, exasperated - their singing exercise was over.

they sang: Kookaburra sits in the old gum

Merry, merry king of the bush is Laugh,

Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra

Gay your life must

note: a kookaburra is an australian bird and this kid’s song has four stanzas but we only knew the first.

then when all four stepped towards there seats, one was asked to stay and sing again. so, she sang with all her heart, nary a thought to what a kookaburra was. she thought kookaburra was some old tribal king of a remote tribe in Africa. ( geez, i was just breaking into puberty, why should i even care?)

then, as our ex future singing star sat down, she asked her seatmate, Why was I asked by Mrs. Padilla to sing again?

Kase, Beth, para kang tumutula.

shattered. dreams.

Thus, she clammed up and never dare sang another note in  her entire life.

Fifteen years later, our hero was now teaching English after devoting her gift of words to literature, a senior co-teacher kept telling her:

Have you met the new faculty? She’s the daughter of Mrs. Padilla!

Mrs. Padilla, who?

Mrs. Padilla, your music teacher.

Sorry, I don’t remember. (okay, so, i had a conscious memory lapse.)

Beth??? Mrs. Padilla! Doesn’t she look like her mom?!

(ang kulit, ha! sinabi ng I don’t remember eh.)

a month and more passed, still the clam has no recall of Mrs. Padilla. then, one morning, when all was calm and Beth was cool, she stirs in her dreams as the melody of kookaburra roused her.

thus, to keep her sane, the clam talks of the story and reveals the truth as to why karaoke bores her and that she’s rather pay her way out of singing and why she’d never get a magic sing mike.

the real future diva tells the story to Mrs. Padilla and this is her reply: I must have ruined her life.

ha! of course, after sometime, I got a chance to meet up with Mrs. Padilla and even got invited to Baguio. she promises to make up for her, err, ruining by offering piano lessons.

yesterday, after I told this story, someone said that Mrs. Padilla is wise as she offered me piano and not singing lessons!

hahaha! so, that’s the diva, Minette, the soprana, the daughter of Mrs. Padilla.