Tuesday, March 22, 2011


how do you console someone whose talents and character are impeccable that she's always on the top two or three students trusted by teachers? seeing her in tears earlier was disturbing as i knew this was bound to happen. it was funny because the tears weren't tears of defeat but tears of there-were-just-so-many-things she had to do and literally, if she could divide herself, she might. ah, the challenge of the talented multitasker.

anyhow, after i put the thumbs down on what she wrote, that happened. what she did after was something i liked and admired. this was a show of humility. she asked her other talented pals to help her out with the writing while she attended another meeting. (i think any other student would have just kept it and not let others help).

so, the task was done in an hour and her other friends were very much encouraged to help her.

what did i learn from this? it's the humility to face the reality that if one cannot finish the task, there are others who can help. all one can do is to ask and humble oneself.