Tuesday, March 15, 2011

relief and recovery

i came from the wake of my student today. i cried a bit but seeing the people in the chapel, i felt the family was much loved by people who have crossed paths with them. it was a relief to have seen that. yes, there she was in the bronze urn. peaceful. untimely, but she is free from the mundane world. i'm glad she lived a life of happiness while i am left with having to deal with the trivial...

dear reader: thank you for dropping by. i'm sure you're reading this because you're waiting for --

* deleted * you're too late. i decided not to share what i wrote earlier. rather, it would help if you read:

dear god, thank you for giving me the gift to write, for knowing when to hold my tongue, and for discerning immediately. please grant the readers with wisdom that blogs should be respected and further, help them understand the message of what i have written. help the readers use their time praying rather than looking for further topics they can retweet, reblog, and converse.

it's not that it matters to me but i feel their negative energy is adding to mother earth's uneasiness. please lead the undiscerning to the right path, to apologize when needed, and to not start arguments. do grant the rude and disrespectful with enlightenment that they should change their ways now. please bless the dear reader with patience for he/she might be disappointed in not finding an entry that can be printed out and shown to colleagues.


scrolling down? stop. what you're looking for is here.

this what we need now.