Sunday, March 20, 2011

law of karma and the japanese tsunami

more than a week ago, japan was hit by an earthquake which was then followed by a tsunami in its hardest hit areas, sendai and fukushima.

what triggered the devastation, ie, totally devastating a city, is the tsunami. the waters torrentially went inland and flowed with its might. nothing stopped the salt water from finding its level. it just swept through every nook and the tiniest areas of the town.

in the videos, cars seemed so light as the waters carried a fleet of cars and piled them on top of each other, houses floated and crashed, creating mountains of debris. i thought of whether people were saved or were they in their cars. what were they thinking at the point when at first, their cars floated and eventually, got swallowed into the whirpools or the rising waters.

this evening, over the radio, a resource person mentioned that he read somewhere that this event was payback time. it was karma for the japanese who are the number one murderers of whales and dolphins. the tsunami was the way of the creatures' revenge.

so, this made me think that perhaps, there might be wisdom in this. after all, it is a fact that the japanese have killed tons of whales and dolphins despite the protests of the world. now, whales and dolphins are the oceans' healers and perhaps, higher forms of beings. in the bible, jonah was swallowed by a whale but got out unscathed. there are other myths that tell of lessons of humanity's experience with such creatures.

well, whatever we call it, whether it is a mere natural phenomenon or nature's wrath, at least, the japanese are now turning to prayer and its traditions as in this article from usa today.

all we need is to generate as much positive energy to help heal the environment and we should start with prayers.