Monday, April 04, 2011


today is 4/4/11.

repeated numbers, repeated dates, repeated problems.

there was a fire earlier. had i not missed work, i would've panicked at the thought there was a fire along my street. it was merely four houses away from mine. the flames began as a bonfire and the men were unable to control it. it was scary because the flames were goind beyond the wall and were about to reach the wooden house next to it.

the hose connected to our well was well used. the water well provided the initial drenching. in a few minutes, the fire trucks arrived and in a minute, a miracle happened. it rained enough to further reduce the white smoke to steam. how was that on a summer day! my street reverberates with prayers and masses so we're pretty much sheltered.

i looked at my dogs and wondered how i would carry them in case of a bigger and closer fire. i guess i'll be able to with the great adrenalin rush.

i hate fires.