my seventh birthday
adding my age today brings seven. here's a photo of what i mean when i say it's my seventh birthday. in the photo are glacier and adi. adi was sent from the uk and i went to the post office to pick it up last week. adi is a stress toy and can be squeezed just like body fat. after all, adipose is another term for body fat.

i spent the day almost crying over what to do with an article i was working on. after three hours of searching for the right answer, trying all sorts of editing just so it can be saved properly i found the answer. then, i had early dinner at avenetto with... adi. glacier did not go. hahaha. of course, i had dinner with a real person.
prior to that, i made my way to a wing at the shopping center and i was so happy to find the felt clothe i have been looking for. though quite expensive, the store allowed 1/2 yard cuts so i went crazy and bought six colors or three yards. well, honestly, i needed those colors last week for a project. then, when i could not find the colors i wanted then, i decided to stick it out with one color. so, now i am stuck with several colors and lots of project soon.
so, now i'm thinking of launching another blog that will only center on my experience as a crafter.

i spent the day almost crying over what to do with an article i was working on. after three hours of searching for the right answer, trying all sorts of editing just so it can be saved properly i found the answer. then, i had early dinner at avenetto with... adi. glacier did not go. hahaha. of course, i had dinner with a real person.
prior to that, i made my way to a wing at the shopping center and i was so happy to find the felt clothe i have been looking for. though quite expensive, the store allowed 1/2 yard cuts so i went crazy and bought six colors or three yards. well, honestly, i needed those colors last week for a project. then, when i could not find the colors i wanted then, i decided to stick it out with one color. so, now i am stuck with several colors and lots of project soon.
so, now i'm thinking of launching another blog that will only center on my experience as a crafter.
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