Wednesday, June 29, 2011

creepy fish

i went to the market this afternoon as i wanted to eat something fresh. specifically, i was hungry for tilapia or squid. the squids were too small so i didn't bother. i tried looking for the vertical scallops that i cook with garlic and butter but sadly, there were none. so, it was the tilapia. despite the fish kill a couple of weeks ago, tilapia was still at 75 per kilo. so, i chose the live ones, four of them that cost me P90! i saw them scaled and gutted. i paid and walked away. i decided to buy some tiger shrimp at P85 per 1/4 kilo. perhaps the woman pitied me so she added a couple. i ended up with 10 pieces with one bigger than the rest. while i was waiting for my shrimps, something moved in my bag. i stopped. it moved again. and again! a fish was still alive! that freaked me out.

so, i went back to the tilapia vendor and he said that the fish will die in a few more seconds. wow! talk about being fresh.

i cooked the fish but i apologized first. yes, they were too fresh to be fried so i cooked them in a lot of boiled and softened tomatoes. yum.yum.yum.

as for the shrimps, sauteed in garlic and onions. one of these days, i will get 1/2 a kilo and feast on them. hahaha.